People Tributes 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025
Donations made In Memory and Honor of a Special Beloved Person

- Raymond Knox
- Phyllis E. Curley
- Victoria T. Kenyon
- Lexy Clark
- Nancy Lee Oliver
- James F Lawlor, My BFF and Classmate of 1970 Always in my Heart
- Marcelle Morin
- In Honor of the Life of Joshua David Costa from Mattapoisett, From the Alvernaz and Miele Families and Berg’s Family and Julie Anderson
- Maura Langelier – on behalf of Bessy’s Place Cat Sanctuary Thank You
- Judith P. Wilcox, Donated by Friends of PRHS.
- Katherine Boudreau of Hanover MA
- Our Beloved Joanne & Inez
- Kathye Higgins
- Joel Rice
- Robert P. Quirk
- Zuzanne Wymelenberg
- Pamela Cloutier
- Tim Huckle – CAT LOVER!
- Warren Osborne – love of cats!
- Charlotte Phillips of South Easton, MA
- Michael J. Parent – our beloved son, Roger & Elaine Parent
- Barbara Barrett Mesch
- Estate of Howard R. Keith Jr.
- Jane R. Joyce – my beloved friend
- Marianne Jones – our beloved best friend from Cheryl, Sean, Sean Patrick & Emily
- Claire A. (Joyce) Leone – always will beloved
- Laura Harney
- Michael Garoulis, In loving Memory of Michael from your friends at Marshall’s in Millbury, MA and from beloved family and friends!
- Kathleen Puglisi
- In loving memory of Kathy Hedlund, fellow cat lover.
- Dolores Durrell
- Charles Lane
- In loving memory of Mickey Hocker a friend of all animals big and small
- Robert C. Allen, Beloved
- Kathleen M. Reddin (A MHS volunteer’s mom)
- Ernest – Carl Johnson, Beloved and served in the USAF, fine gent too!!
- John “Jake” McCann
- Margaret *Mo* Lynch, loved all animals large and small
- Kelli A. O’Donnell
- Patricia Grala RIP
- Josh Costa, Never forgotten, always in our hearts and thoughts. Love Dad, Tracey, Aidan, Gabby
- Memory of Robert Newman from your friends at South Shore Business Center
- My beloved Sister Susan Hartson
- Dwight Dyer and his much loved dogs!
- Memory of Marcy Shubert of Randolph – from one animal lover to another, Joe and Angela
- In the Name of SAMI BRAULT, from WRAPPED RAINBOWS, Waterbury, CT
In Memory of Betty White for the Betty White Challenge from Mary Jane S., a donor and Elinor W., a donor.
- H. Spadorcia of Abington
- In memory of Ralph J D’Angelo, SR of Marlborough, MA
- In Honor of the Late Barbara Babcock
- Del Pierman
- Dong Pham, loving memories
- Peter Manning
- Stanley M. Davis, He was a Dear Friend to many!
- Elisabeth Peterson
- Rudy Wik
- Mary L Paton
- Adam Trainor
- JANET NICKERSON from Dedham MA from your Friends at Tewksbury Youth Football and Pee Wee Football
- Martha Lederer, from The SE NH Habitat for Humanity Team
- Thomas J, McKenna of Chicopee MA – from his cousin Dick Weissbrod and Dianne Richey – 8-2022
- Elaine Hudson, lifelong animal lover and rescued and helped many unfortunate animals in need!
- Elaine L. Spag – from your friends at Alipes Inc
- Susan T., from your Friends in Florida
- James F. Quirk
- CAROL FAGAN, on behalf of Laura, Dan, Kathleen and David K.
- Javier Silva, from your friend Kelly
- Michael Hurwitz, and to Honor His Love For Animals!
- Dorothy Royko💜, on behalf of Stephen Royko’s FRIENDS and COLLEAGUES from Conduent HR Solutions.
- Brenda Borkowski
- Gregory E. Stein – he was known as “STEINY”
- Meredith Moore Patta
- Thomas Barone, you were a GREAT DAD TO HERSEY! and from Brett and ALL of US at OMG MUSIC!
- John “Johnny” M. Demling, dog lover, your friend Dale and with love the Edwards Family
- Judy & Don MacNeill, were avid animal lovers and were generous, kind people who did lots for their community and people close to them.
- Anthony A. Bolduc
- Sharon Bombardier, Loving mother, wife, friend and sister! a true animal lover!
- Beloved Mother Mary Sullivan
- Debbie Digravio
- Edward Kenney
- William Victor Ruth
- Ray Powell
- Jennifer Rene Wylie
- In Memory of Kate Harwood – From The UMass Chan Diabetes Center of Excellence
- JUDITH LEPIN, from Weymouth Glen Condominium
- Christine (Amy) Hourihan, loved animals very much!
- David McIntyer
- Marilyn J. Pierce
- Patricia Phipps
- Hallie Menchin
- Jane McMullen
- Lynne A. Gonyea